Parenting Proper Way In The Proper Time


Sabuj Bhattacharjee :
A proverb says that ‘strike while the iron is hot’ which means to take advantage of an opportunity as soon as it exists, in case the opportunity goes away and does not return. Having a child is a blessing to every parent but it can be turned into a curse in the future if they can’t give it the right education and then there would be no opportunity to bring it to the right path. So, childhood is the right period to take proper care of them. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult in their adult or in the later period.
All of us are quite familiar with the sentence like “The child’s first school is his home and the first teacher is his parents.” An infant learns all actions from its parents in the early stages and acquires knowledge. Parents not only give good education to children but also help them to identify the right and wrong and work to create a golden future for children. Children fulfill their dreams by getting guidance from parents and overcome all difficulties. Actually parents’ behavior and actions have a direct impact on their children. If something goes wrong at home then the children learn wrong. Similarly, if the environment of the house is right, then children get a good education. Therefore, first of all, the role of parents is very important. As a parent, your children will try to learn the way you do. If you want to make your child’s future beautiful, make your dreams come true then it is very important that you become a role model for children. Make yourself a better example in front of children so that it will have a positive effect on your child.
After birth, the infant learns to speak, eat, drink, play, write, or perform other activities by living with the parents continuously. For a young child, it is like a formal school. Similarly, when the child is a little older or younger, he sees parents in the house supporting each other. Seeing the father assisting the mother in dealing with the tasks outside the home creates a sense of helping in mind of the children. With this, children learn to help the mother in household tasks. In fact, this lesson is considered the first stage of socialization for any child. Whatever you do at home, do it in a well-organized manner. Use respectful words in conversation with each other. Try to behave in a way that establishes peace in the house and has a good effect on the baby’s psyche.
As a parent you should try to read the minds of children. Not all children are of the same nature, so there is a difference in the way children learn. Some children learn by looking at something, and some children learn it by trying it by themselves. So try to read your children’s minds. Try to find out how your child learns things. If he has the power to learn by watching, then try to make all tasks inspiring so that your child learns the right thing by watching.
Determining the time of the students to study is another step you should try for the betterment of your child. Make the habit of reading in children. If your child is a reluctant reader, make it a habit to read the text out loud. This will keep you informed about what your child is reading and the other benefit will be that he will also get to know the structure and terminology of good literature. If you want, you can help the child read one or two chapters. With this, you can read the chapter yourself in a slightly higher voice and understand the important things related to the children. Studying the book is a good way to get reluctant readers to pay attention to studies. For this, you have to choose easy, interesting books instead of difficult novels.
It is also important to be informed about what does your child learns every day. Your child when s/he goes to school, it is important that you keep an eye on his daily work. For this it is important that you become a partner in your child’s everyday experience. With this, you can also teach small things to the children by completing the household tasks and can know their minds. Mothers can explain difficult math-related lessons to children while cooking food. You can explain many things by giving weather information to children. There are several ways by which you can develop children’s understanding.
Parents should keep it in mind what the children think about the world.
In childhood, their understanding of the world change often. Parents must be fully aware of this change. What kind of experience is your child getting? What are they thinking about school or world events? What does one learn from those events? You need to be fully aware of such things. You can provide information about these things to children in a very accessible way. Try to ask the children for their answers or thoughts about the recent incidents that happen around. Inform the correct answer to the kids if they are wrong in their ideas. You can convey a lot of information related to your news to your child.
The most important thing is that you pray to God to show you the way to be a good parent. I would like you to pray for the child every day and also for that you should treat your child find the right way to defeat. This will definitely have a positive impact on your child’s life. This will make your child feel that you are interested in knowing his / her point of view and trying to understand it. This is the way to strike the balance of freedom and authority. Take a pledge that you will never give up. At this very moment, decide that you will always be available for your teenage child. No matter how angry, stressed, frustrated, frustrated or tired, try to be the best father or mother you can be.
(Sabuj Bhattacharjee, Editor, Troimasik Ushabarta, Chattogram).
