PAMS underscores balancing threats

UNB, Dhaka :
The need for balancing threats to peace and stability was underscored on the third day of the 38th Pacific Armies Management Seminar (PAMS-38) held at Hotel Radisson on Tuesday.
Bangladesh High Commissioner in New Delhi Tarik A. Karim spoke on “Balancing requirements for meeting traditional and non-traditional threats” in the morning.
Maj. Gen. Charles Flynn of USA and Maj. Gen. Md Shafiqur Rahman of Bangladesh also took part in the discussion on the topic.
Four senior Army officers took part in a panel discussion on “Civil-military and multinational cooperation, the essential elements for future stability” in the afternoon.
Colonel Nozomu Yoshitomi of Japan, Brigadier general Adi Widjaja of Indonesia, Brigadier General Hasagaya Bin Abdullah of Malayasia and Greg Elliott of Australia took part in the panel discussion moderated by Prime Minister’s International Affairs Adviser Gowher Rizvi.
The 4-day long seminar began on Sunday. It will conclude Wednesday. PAMS has been held throughout the Asia Pacific region since 1978.
Army officers and security officials from 23 nations in the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean region are attending the seminar.
It is being co-hosted by the Bangladesh Army and the US Army, Pacific with the theme ‘A new focus on the Asia-Pacific region: Opportunities and challenges for land forces’