Palestinians must be armed and not die like rats


THE violence unleashed by the Israelis on the Gaza Strip has already taken the lives of 100 innocent Palestinians .The violence was unleashed apparently upon the motive that Hamas was streaming rocket fire into Israel—which has yet to result in the death of any Israeli citizen. Meanwhile the US is supporting Israel’s right to self-defence by stating that Israel has the right to fight for its safety. The argument given was that what if the people of London were being under rocket attack-wouldn’t they fight ? In reality the UK town of Crossmaglen in Northern Ireland was under rocket attack from the Irish Republic in the 1970s – yet the RAF didn’t bomb Dublin in retaliation, killing Irish women and children. This argument was also used in 2008 when over 1100 Palestinians perished while Israel lost the lives of only 13 of its citizens.Meanwhile in the West Bank, Benjamin Netanyahu said he couldn’t talk to Palestinian “President” Mahmoud Abbas because he didn’t also represent Hamas. Then when Abbas formed a unity government, Netanyahu said he couldn’t talk to Abbas because he had unified himself with the “terrorist” Hamas. Now he says he can only talk to him if he breaks with Hamas – even though he won’t then represent Hamas. He has also stated ISIS can only be stopped by the permanent Israeli garrison on the Jordan river. The importance of this, however, is that if Israel keeps its army on the Jordan (to protect Israel from ISIS), a future “Palestine” state will have no border and will be an enclave within Israel, surrounded on all sides by Israeli-held territory. “Much like the South African Bantustans,” says Uri Avnery, the Israeli philosopher. In other words, no “viable” state of Palestine will ever exist. Israel has the power to do what they want because of the backing which they receive from the US. Mr Obama denounces Israel’s attacks but also supports Israel’s right of self-defence by vetoing any action against Israel taken by the UN Security Council. Behind this support of Israel are the powerful PACs – political action committees which are funded by the supporters of Israel and which contribute significantly to US politicians to enable them to get re-elected. Also, of course, is the fact 20 electoral votes come from the State of New York – where the vote of the Jewish population plays a huge factor in the re-election of any major US politician – whether it be President or Senator.It is of no use condemning Israel for excessive use of power against Palestinians. The Prime Minister is a terrorist and to him killing Muslims of Palestine is a pleasure. He has US weapons and US government’s backing. Muslims are angry against America because of its thoughtless support for Israeli government’s acts of terrorism and killings month after month.Muslims all over must not tolerate such humiliation of Palestinians. There is no pride in being killed like rats. The Muslims must be armed to fight Israeli state terrorism. This is foolish and absurd to fight with toy-like missiles. All Muslim countries must help Palestinians with arms. 
