Palestinians formally apply to UN for joining ICC

Palestinian envoy Riyad H. Mansour speaks to the media on Thursday, after his meeting with UN Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, Stephen Mathias.
Palestinian envoy Riyad H. Mansour speaks to the media on Thursday, after his meeting with UN Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, Stephen Mathias.

AFP, United Nations :The Palestinians formally presented a request to the United Nations on Friday to join the International Criminal Court, a move that would allow war crimes complaints to be filed against Israel.Membership of the Rome Statute, which governs the ICC, would open the way for Palestinians to pursue criminal complaints in The Hague, but is firmly opposed by Israel and the United States.”This is a very significant step,” Palestinian envoy Riyad Mansour told reporters.”We are seeking justice for all the victims that have been killed by Israel, the occupying power.”Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is to review the so-called instruments of accession and notify state members on the request within 60 days.”We are honored that we are the 123rd state-party of the ICC, which will be effective in about 60 days from now in accordance with the rules and procedures of the ICC,” Mansour said.Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas signed requests to join the ICC and 16 other conventions on Wednesday, a day after the Security Council failed to adopt a resolution paving the way to full statehood.The move is part of a shift in strategy for the Palestinians, who are seeking to internationalize their campaign for statehood and move away from the US-led negotiation process.The United States has branded the move to seek ICC membership as “counterproductive” and warned it would only push the sides further apart.But the Palestinians hope joining the court will allow them to seek justice against Israel for its actions in the occupied territories.The Palestinian envoy submitted the documents to the United Nations’ top legal affairs official, Stephen Mathias, at UN headquarters in New York.Mansour said the Palestinians had also filed a request with the ICC in The Hague to grant retroactive jurisdiction to the court to cover alleged war crimes committed during last year’s Gaza war.Almost 2,200 Palestinians were killed in July and August during the 50-day war in Gaza, including more than 400 children, according to UN estimates.
