Palestine delegation visits BARI


A 5-member delegation of Palestine visited Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) on Tuesday, says a press release.
The members of the delegation include Mr. Imad M. M. Zuhairi, Director General of Palestinian International Cooperation Agency (PICA); Mr. Ihsan S. K. Abualrob, Head of Bangladesh Affairs in PICA; Mr. Imad K. N. Ghanameh, Agriculture Expert; Mr. Ali A. A. Alqam, Agriculture Expert, and Mr. Nour H. O. Alaydi, Representative of the Embassy of the State of Palestine, Dhaka.
BARI Director General Dr. Abul Kalam Azad with other directors welcomed the delegation at the time of their arrival in the institute. BARI Director General Dr. Abul Kalam Azad also gave a welcome address at his conference room. Principal Scientific Officer of DG Office Dr. Dilwar Ahmed Choudhury gave a brief PowerPoint presentation on the activities and achievements of BARI. On the other hand, PICA Director General Mr. Imad M. M. Zuhairi gave a brief presentation on Palestine’s agriculture.
BARI Director (Support Services) Dr. Madan Gopal Saha, Director (Training & Communication) Zebun Nessa, Director (Planning & Evaluation) Dr. Babu Lal Nag, Director (Horticulture) Dr. Abeda Khatun, Director (Tuber Crops) Dr. A. K. M. Shamsul Haque, senior scientists, officers, among others, were present on the occasion.
Later, the delegation visited Toxicology Lab, IPM Lab, Post-Harvest Processing Lab, Farm Machinery Lab and expressed their by seeing activities, advancement and achievements of BARI.
It is noted that, the delegation will visit Hydroponic, Floriculture & Fruit Orchard, Biotechnology Lab, Green House, Plant Breeding Lab, Aeroponic Lab & TCRC on Wednesday as a part of their two-day visit.
