Palak urges Google to provide opportunities for Bangladeshi youths

UNB, Dhaka
State Minister for ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak on Sunday urged Google to give opportunities to Bangladeshi youths in its product development.
He came up with the request while speaking as the chief guest at the closing ceremony of Google Map’s ‘Bangladesh Challenge’ programme through crowdsourcing on digital platforms organised by Grameenphone and A2i.
Mentioning that Google has already added the Bengali language feature to Google Maps, he said that this time the youth of this country have connected establishments and roads of villages in Google map after cities and towns.
Altogether, 31,000 mappers have added 1.10lakh maps in google map from home, said Palak.
He also called on Google to introduce special internet package facilities for students and to provide opportunities to talented young people in Bangladesh to contribute to Google’s product development, including the development of augmented reality solutions.
The state minister also announced the names of the top 100 mapper winners at the event.
The remaining 100 will work in one of A2i’s shop.
Besides, 31,000 mappers will receive digital certificates from the ICT division.