Pakistan to raise BD’s war crimes hangings at UN: Sartaj

Daily Pakistan, Islamabad :
Prime Minister’s Advisor on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said that Pakistan would raise the issue of the hanging of Jamaat-e-Islami leaders in Bangladesh at the UN human rights council and with other countries.
Speaking in the Senate on Friday, he regretted the executions of political opponents by the
Bangladesh government, saying that the Muslim world and the international community had both expressed their concerns in this regard.
Aziz urged the international community to take notice of the hangings, which are a violation of human rights and the tripartite agreement between Pakistan, India and Bangladesh in 1974.
Leader of the House Raja Zafarul Haq said that Muslim countries should jointly prepare a plan to prevent further politically-motivated executions in Bangladesh.
Earlier, House members appreciated Turkey for withdrawing its envoy from Bangladesh and said that Pakistan should also adopt a strong stance on the matter.