Pak Taliban call for jihad in Myanmar


AFP, Waziristan :
The Pakistani Taliban on Monday urged Muslims in Myanmar to rise up and fight the country’s rulers, saying the Taliban’s resources and training facilities were available to help them “take up the sword”.
Ehsanullah Ehsan, spokesman for the hardline Jamaat-ul-Ahrar faction of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) movement, said they “shared the grief” of Myanmar’s beleaguered Rohingya Muslim minority.
Myanmar refuses to recognise most of its 1.3 million Rohingya as citizens and places a series of restrictions on them, such as family size, movements and access to jobs.
The country’s impoverished western state of Rakhine has become a tinderbox of tension between the Buddhist majority and the Rohingya, many of whom live in displacement camps after deadly unrest erupted in 2012.
“I address Burma’s youth: take up the sword and kill in the path of God. No doubt, God is with us,” Ehsan said in an audio message sent to media, using Myanmar’s former name.
“Our (training) centres, our resources, training, people, everything is available to provide comfort to you.”
