Pak LET recruiting Rohingyas

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Pakistan’s Lashkar-e-Taiba (LET) and two of its front groups are active on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border and out to radicalise the Rohingya Muslims to use them for trouble-making in the eastern part of the sub-continent.
Many Rohingyas have been picked up from relief camps by them and taken to Pakistan for training in use of weapons, Western and Indian intelligence sources say.
These sources told Mizzima that the LET through its front, Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JUD) and Fala-I-Insaniyat Foundation (FIF), is ‘extremely active’ among the Rohingyas and other Muslims in Myanmar under cover of relief and rehabilitation.
They say Myanmar, Bangladesh and India’s eastern states may all face a ‘spurt’ in Islamist radical terrorism unless the LET and its fronts were thwarted in good time.
Indian intelligence officials say they have taken the Western warnings ‘rather seriously’. The LET has been operating through the JUD, which set up the FIF as a charitable organisation.
FIF functionaries like its vice-chairman Shahid Mehmood and Sindh spokesperson Nadeem Awan have been regularly visiting the Bangladesh-Myanmar border region to assess the condition of the Rohingyas.
“All these recruits are picked up from relief camps. These are Rohingyas who have suffered in riots and are vulnerable to recruitment for terror activities,” said a Western intelligence official now on a tour of South Asia to review Islamic radical activities in the region.
He said the LET, of all South Asian Islamist terror groups, have the  
“widest possible network and the best possible finance” despite being branded a terror group.
LET chief Hafiz Muhammed Sayyid has been making frequent references to the ‘atrocities on Rohingya Muslims’ during his speeches before Pakistani audiences and calling for revenge.
He has blamed the UN and spoken out against the ‘hypocrisy of the West’ on the Rohingya issue. In July 2012, during the Rakhine state riots in Myanmar, the LET front JUD organised a ‘Difa-e-Mussalman Arakan Conference’ in Karachi and exhorted its cadres to recruit Rohingyas to avenge the riots.