Padma devours another school building in Madaripur

The two-storey building of Kazirsura Government Primary School in Bandarkhola union under Shibchar upazila of Madaripur is being gobbled up by the swelling Padma River on Tuesday.
The two-storey building of Kazirsura Government Primary School in Bandarkhola union under Shibchar upazila of Madaripur is being gobbled up by the swelling Padma River on Tuesday.

Our Correspondent :
The swelling Padma River has gobbled up another school building at Bandarkhola in Shibchar upazila of Madaripur.
The incident happened around 11:30pm on Tuesday.
The school building also served as a shelter centre, where many people took refuge during the early days of the flood.
According to locals, the Kazirsura Char area is at risk of erosion by the Padma River. The water level in the Padma River has been rising again for the last three to four days. With the increase in water level, the erosion has also increased.
More than 200 students used to study in the school which collapsed on Tuesday. There was extreme panic among the locals when the school went into the river.
Next to the school which disappeared in the riverbed, there is a community clinic, Bandarkhola Union Parishad Bhaban, and numerous shops of Kazirsura Bazar.
The three-storied building of Nuruddin Madbarkandi SESDP Model High School of the same union was also washed away by Padma River in this year’s flood.
Several establishments of Ilias Ahmed Chowdhury High School and the Union Parishad building of Charjanajat union and another three-storied building of Kanthalbari Government School No 77 of Kanthalbari union were also destroyed.
Ayub Ali, Headmaster of Government Primary School No 26, which collapsed into the river, said the school building was still there when the Shibchar upazila nirbahi officer (UNO) and acting chairman of the Upazila Parishad visited it on Tuesday afternoon. The building sank into the river late Tuesday night.
 The collapse of the school building will severely disrupt the education of the students, he added
