Padma Bridge Mystery shrouds over repeated arrests of Indian nationals


Syed Shemul Parvez :
Mystery of baskets galore in the mind of common people over the repeated arrests of Indian nationals from Padma Bridge area.
So far 20 more Indian nationals were arrested in the last five years during the Padma Bridge construction. But surprisingly none exposed the reason of their presence.
In this regard, when asked, Faruque Ahmed, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Jajira Police Station told the New Nation that after arresting the Indian nationals from the Padma Bridge area we produced all of them in the Shariatpur court. Why did Indians national arrive here? Did you get any information from the primary investigation? OC said sorry, I am not supposed to speak over the issue. But accused Indian nationals never spoke about their arriving here.
On Sunday, another Indian national named Nirmal Das (60) has been arrested from Padma Bridge area. Police arrested him at around 1:15 pm (April 24) in front of the MP gate of the Padma Bridge project adjacent to West Naodoba Hawladar Market in Jajira upazila of Shariatpur.
Detained Nirmal Das was son of one Mulk Das of Chonbarcha village under Chaurichaura Police Station in Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh, India.
According to a case filed by Jajira Police Station, a team of police arrested Nirmal on Sunday after seeing Nirmal’s suspicious behavior in front of the MP gate of the Padma Bridge project adjacent to West Naodoba Hawladar Market.
Confirming the incident, Jajira police sub-inspector (SI) and case investigation officer Jasim Uddin said a police team arrested Nirmal from the Padma Bridge area. Nirmal was later sent to Shariatpur District Jail through a court on Monday (April 25).
Before producing in the court, a criminal case was filed against him with the Jajira police station.
Earlier, on the morning of April 9, an army patrol arrested an Indian national named Rajesh Pandey from the Padma Bridge area. He is the son of Narayan Pandey of Barna village under Rajnagar police station in Sasharma district of Bihar state, India.
A 10-day remand was sought from the court on April 21 to find out why Rajesh was roaming in the Padma Bridge area, how did he come to Bangladesh without a passport-visa and whether he had any nefarious motives. The court later granted him a seven-day remand.
