Padma Bridge: A constitutional commitment


Taimur Alam Khondaker :
The history of Bangladesh is a tag of war relating to politics and natural climate. Many rulers from abroad had ruled this land and snatched way its wealth and property. Bangladesh was previously known as East Pakistan, before that it was known as Purba Bangla and “Subha Bangla”. This is a land blessed with bounties of nature. Located at the eastern part of South Asian subcontinent, the country has a total area of 1,47,570 square kilometers with a population of nearly 17 million. The land mass is deltaic comprising mainly of the delta of 4 (four) mighty rivers namely the Padma, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Meghna, crisscrossed by their numerous tributaries. The alluvial plains of Bangladesh are extremely fertile and good for agriculture. Country’s vast green fields are bounded by hills in the northeast and the southeast with an average elevation of 244 and 610 metres respectively. The main profession of the people of Bangladesh is cultivation, but nowadays the industrial sector is increasing day by day.  
Dhaka was the provincial capital of ‘Subaha Bangla’ during the period of Mughal kingdom. But in 1704, the provincial capital was shifted to Murshidabad from Dhaka and since then the importance of Purba Bangla was gone to decrease. During British Period a movement was raised to declare Dhaka as the capital of the East Bengal. After a long movement, the British government in the year 1905 declared Dhaka as the capital of Purba Bangla including Asham. Against the said declaration the higher caste of Hindu community of West Bengal made a movement known as Banga-Vanga. As a result in 1911, the British government was compelled to dissolve the previous declaration of Dhaka as capital. After Banga-Vangha, Purba Bangla again lost its importance regarding development in all sector.
On 14 August, 1947 Pakistan got independence and Purba Bangla was declared as a part of Pakistan which was re-named as East-Pakistan. A grand Master Plan for development of East Pakistan was approved by Pakistan Government. But unfortunately, no plans were implemented except building National Assembly and Kamalapur Railway Station.
To implement equal development of East Pakistan comparing to West Pakistan, the people of East Pakistan started movement against Pakistan Government for equal status and establishment of voting right ended with a war for independence. Bangladesh thus got independence in 1971.
Bangladesh is a river oriented country and the peoples of 21 districts under Barisal and Khulna Division were deprived of all kinds of benefit and facilities due to lack of a Bridge over the mighty river Padma, is the widest river with violent current in the Indian subcontinent. It took time 4 to 5 hours normally to cross the Padma River by ferry. Consequently, vegetables and other products from the southern part of the country got rotten and could not reach other parts on time. Before the opening of Padma Bridge, the people suffered a lot for the lack of transport and communication. Thus they were subject to discrimination which is not supported by the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.  
After the independence on 16 December of 1971, the people of Bangladesh got a constitution which stands for the equal status and development of each and every one of the country without any discrimination. Article 19(1) and 19(2) of the constitution stated that – 19 (1) The State shall endeavour to ensure equality of opportunity to all citizens. 19 (2) The State shall adopt effective measures to remove social and economic inequality between man and man and to ensure the equitable distribution of wealth among citizens, and of opportunities in order to attain a uniform level of economic development through out the Republic.
The preamble of the constitution stands for equal fundamental human rights, which reads as follows – “Further pledging that it shall be a fundamental aim of the State to realise through the democratic process a socialist society, free from exploitation a society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political, economic and social, will be secured for all citizens.”
The Padma Bridge became the symbol of equal opportunity to all citizens through out the country. With establishing the Bridge, effective measures have been taken by the State to remove social and economic inequality and to ensure the equitable distribution of wealth among the citizens. This made the opportunity to attain a uniform level of economic development through out the country, and thus human rights of the people all over the country has been promoted and protected.  
To protect and promote the human rights is one of high ideals and fundamental principle of the constitution of Bangladesh. To save the people of the country especially the peoples of 21 districts from hazards, the development of communication in all respect was a must. The Padma Bridge will hopefully promote and protect the people’s right to transportation as a Human Right and fully fulfill the constitutional commitment.

(The writer is Advocate,
Appellate Division).
