Oxfam for recognizing female farmers

BSS, Dhaka :
Oxfam lead consultant Dr. Ujaini Halim Wednesday suggested bringing food security issue into the legal framework in Bangladesh.
He made the suggestion when he called on Deputy Speaker M Fazle Rabbi Mian at his Jatiya Sangsad (JS) office as part of global campaign on rights to food, said a JS press release.
The Oxfam consultant held discussions with the deputy speaker on SAARC Policy Forum, Youth Parliament on Right to Food and Climate Justice.
He recommended distributing agriculture cards among female farmers, recognizing them as farmers and offering them all government facilities.
The deputy speaker said food production increased in Bangladesh because of time-befitting agriculture policy of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
Bangladesh is now self-sufficient in food and exporting food abroad, he added.
Fazle Rabbi said the government of Bangladesh is always liberal regarding bilateral cooperation and it wants to maintain friendly relations with all.
He highlighted government’s success in agriculture sector.
Oxfam Advocacy Coordinator Tanvir Mahmud was present at the meeting, among others.