Own building for copyright office soon


Cultural affairs minister Asaduzzaman Noor on Wednesday said that own building for copyright office will be established soon.
“Government is emphasizing the work of copyright and the process of establishing an own building of copyright office at city’s Agargaon area is underway,” he said.
Noor was the chief guest at the last day of a two-day national workshop on copyright to enhance awareness about copyright registration and protection of intellectual property rights at Jatiya Natyashala seminar room of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy at city’s Segunbagicha area.
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and Japan Copyright office jointly organized the programme where more than 30 representatives from government and non government organizations participated.
Secretary of Cultural Affairs Ministry Dr. Ranajit Kumar Biswas was present, among others, with Copyright office Registrar M Nabirul Islam in the chair.
