Embankment collapses: Over 7000 families marooned in Tala

SAIDPUR (Nilphamari): A meeting of Thana level Co-ordination Committee (TLCC) was held at Saidpur Municipality on Monday.
SAIDPUR (Nilphamari): A meeting of Thana level Co-ordination Committee (TLCC) was held at Saidpur Municipality on Monday.
Ahsanul Amin George back from Tala (Satkhira) :
The sudden embankment collapse on Wednesday noon on the river Kapotakhho, a linking canal of Pakhimara Beel (Marsh) at Tala Upazila in Satkhira district has damaged more than one thousand houses of three villages and around one lakh families have been marooned.
 Boro paddy on at least 600 bighas of land were submerged.
When this correspondent visited the affected areas on Wednesday afternoon, found that hundreds of acres of paddy field and around 300 shrimp enclosures have been washed away, said local public representatives.
Several families have taken shelter in other villages as their houses went under water.
Kheshra UP Chairman Lecturer Rajib Hossain Raju said, villages Balia, Shuvonkarkathi and Srimantokathi were flooded. If the repair work of the embankment is not done within a short span of time, the flood water is likely to reach Tala Upazila.
The homeless Rahmat Mia, Mujibar Gazi, Habibur Rahman, Motahar Hossain and Sadekul Islam have taken shelter over Wapda embankment.
Maloti Mondal, Sreelekha Devnath, Josna Biswas of Balia village said, “suddenly the embankment collapsed and most of our croplands, fish enclosures, cattle and poultry and other valuables washed away, we are living inhuman lives without getting food and other necessaries.”
Abdullah Gazi, Kased Morol, Saifullah Gazi, Mozam Morol of village Shuvankor kathi said, all the houses oftheir village were flooded and their croplands were submerged due to embankment collapse.
 UP Chairman Rajib further said, due to sudden embankment collapse, at least three villages were affected. More than one thousand houses, croplands, fish enclosures, ponds ,thatched houses, graveyards, roads and gardens were submerged and as such the people of these villages were victimized of taka more than one crore. Besides, the tidal surge might collapse the thatched houses.