Over 65 lakh mobile phone users left Dhaka during Eid


Online Desk :

Over 65 lakh mobile phone users left Dhaka on July 8 and July 9 to celebrate Eid-ul-Azha with their near and dear ones at their native places.

A total of 65,78,866 subscribers of different mobile phone operators left the capital in the two days before Eid, Bangladesh Posts, Telecommunications and IT Minister Mustafa Jabbar said in a Facebook post on Monday.


 He also shared a chart provided by the mobile operators that showed 35,30,732 subscribers left the capital on July 8 and 30,48,134 on July 9.

 Of them, 34,48,012 were Grameenphone users; 15, 45,109 Robi users; 14,17,114 Banglalink users; and 168,631 Teletalk users.
