Koyra River erosion takes serious turn: Over 300 families in fear of embankment collapse in Koyra

Ahsanul Amin George, Khulna :
At 13-14/2 No. Poldar of Water Development Board’s embankment at Moheswarypur in Koyra Upazila of Khulna district, Koyra River erosion has taken a serious turn and around 300 kilometers of the areas have already been devoured into the Koyra, surrounding five villages and the villagers are passing sleepless night in fear of river erosion as the embankment may collapse at any moment.
Mentionable in this connection that the Premier of the country Sheikh Hasina also expressed her deep concern over the river erosion of different places of the country and she also directed the concerned authorities to take urgent step for solving the problem of river erosion.
More than 300 families in five villages under Koyra Upazila in Khulna district are passing their days amid fear as erosion by the river Koyra has devoured large portions of the flood control dyke at several points.
Local UP Chairman Bijoy Kumar Sarkar said, people of the locality have been working voluntarily for protecting the embankment.
He also expressed deep concerned as the erosion hit people took shelter on the embankment and the erosion is going on still.
More than 300 families of different villages are facing under threat of erosion as the river was flowing just below its danger level near the embankment.
The villages include Katkata, Motbari, Charamukha, Angtihara and Dashalia, said an official of Water Development Board (WDB) in the district.
Around two kilometers in the area is now under threat of erosion by the river Kapotakhsa, said UP member of Koyra sadar union Sheikh Abul Kalam Azad.
Till the end of 2000, around 100 bighas croplands, more than 50 homesteads and several business centers were devoured during three spates of erosion, he said.
Erosion by the river rendered around 300 families of Koyra upazila homeless in the last two years, he added.
The UP member also expressed deep concern as the affected people took shelter on the embankment and the erosion is still going on.
More than 200 families of different villages are facing threat of erosion as the river is flowing just near the embankment.
Maksud Hossain, 53, a grocer of Charamukha village said that he had lost his shop to the river recently. “Now I am helpless”, he lamented.
“We are living in fear round the clock as might devour out homesteads and even take our lives”, said Rafiqul Islam Sana of village Motbari.
Shushanto Mollick, 26, a student and resident of Angtihara village, is now living at South Pabla area under Daulatpur police station in Khulna city in fear of fresh erosion in his locality.
Local UP chairman Sarder Motiar Rahman said, “Though We informed the WDB authorities several times, they did not pay any heed , so the villagers are voluntarily trying heart and soul to protect the embankment from collapsing.”
Md. Selim Mia, Amadi section officer of WDB said, “With a view to prevent erosion 70 meters ring barrage work is going on and tender activities are unabated for the remaining areas.”
UNO of Koyra upazila Shimul Kumar Saha expressed great concern and told that the WDB authorities were informed and requested to take step urgently for protecting river erosion.
Koyra upazila Chairman AKM Tomizuddin said, I visited the erosion area was and told the WDB authorities for taking immediate step for protecting the embankment.