Over 2000 street dogs to be vaccinated in Barishal city

Barishal Correspondent :
A five -day- long vaccination work of more than twenty thousand street-dogs of Barishal city with anti-rabies has been started from Friday . It will be continued till to January 14, 2020.
The drive operated by Barishal City Corporation (BCC) under national programme of Health Directorate for preventing rabies.
Dr. Robiul Islam, Veterinary Surgeon and Coordinator of the Programme of Barishal City Corporation, said the number of street dogs were six thousand in 2014.
Now it has been increased to 20 thousand and BCC planned to vaccinate all street dogs and special colour would be painted on the vaccinated dog to avoid duplication or omission, the BCC official said.
The programme operated simultaneously in 30 wards of BCC and would be operated by 60 trained dog-catchers of Dhaka, 30 of BCC along with 30 vaccinators, 30 data collectors, 30 van porters and 4 supervisor of BCC.
The biting by a vaccinated dog could not spread hydrophobias.
The programme was taken to free Bangladesh from Rabies within 2022 and already orientation and consultation programmes with different sections of people and resource persons held to make that successful, Dr. Robiul added.
Advocate Tapan Chakraborty, an animal rights protection activists, hailing the programme said it will save the citizens from rabies virus carried and delivered biting of animals, mostly dogs, and create mass awareness in protecting animals from torture and cruelty.
He said cruelty against animals including dogs, especially the street-dogs, are increasing and that mostly caused by the fear of hydrophobia spreading by dog-biting.
So he also called for increasing consciousness about behaviour with animal, especially removing fear with dogs and to create a pressure for enacting an act for prevention of cruelty against animals and how to act after dog-biting and prevention of that.
