Over 19m vaccinated against Covid in Bangladesh


News Desk :
Bangladesh has inoculated around 19.1 million of its citizens against Covid till Monday, as the third day of the mass vaccination drive concluded with people’s unhesitant participation.
The health authorities have administered the first Covid vaccine dose to some 14.4 million people and the second one to around 4.73 million, according to a health directorate press release. Around 10.3 million people have received the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, 6.84 million the Sinopharm jab, 1.67 million the Moderna shot and 72,407 Pfizer’s vaccine.
More than 26.7 million people have signed up to be immunized against Covid so far.
The government took its vaccination drive to the grassroots from Saturday with an aim to inoculate 3.2 million people in six days and bolster the nationwide drive.
Moderna vaccine doses are being dispensed in the cities while the Sinopharm ones are being administered at the village level.
People of 25 years of age and above will receive Covid vaccine during the ongoing mass inoculation drive.
The government aims to vaccinate at least 10 million people this month.
