National Vitamin A Plus Campaign: Over 17. 53 lakh children to be fed capsules in dists

KISHOREGANJ: Dr Mujibur Rahman, Civil Surgeon speaking at a press briefing on 'Vitamin A Plus campaign' at Kishoreganj General Hospital Conference Room on Tuesday.
KISHOREGANJ: Dr Mujibur Rahman, Civil Surgeon speaking at a press briefing on 'Vitamin A Plus campaign' at Kishoreganj General Hospital Conference Room on Tuesday.
Khulna (South) Correspondent :
Khulna Civil Surgeon office has completed all preparations to immunize over 2.71-lakh children aged between six months and 59 months with Vitamin A plus capsules during the National Vitamin A Plus Campaign on January 11.
Khulna Civil Surgeon office disclosed the information on Monday at a district level advocacy and planning meeting held at the conference room of Khulna School Health Clinic to make the National Vitamin A Plus Campaign-2020 a success.
The campaign will be conducted under the auspices of the Public Health and Nutrition Institute and National Nutrition Services under the Ministry of Health and Family Planning with UNICEF assistances.
Chaired by Acting Civil Surgeon Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman, the meeting was addressed, among others, by Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Ziaur Rahman, Deputy Director of Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) Dr. Pobitra Kumar Kundu, Assistant Director of Khulna Family Planning department Dr. Md Shamsul Ahsan Masum, Regional Info officer of PID M Javed Iqbal and Health officer of KCC Swapan Kumar Haldar attended the meeting.
Child Specialist Dr. Sharafat Hossain delivered the key-note paper of the meeting.
Civil Surgeon Mahbubur Rahman said a large number of volunteers and monitoring teams will provide Vitamin A Plus Capsules at different outreach centres in all nine upazila, including two Metropolitan areas of the district from 8 am to 4 pm on the day.
“Around 31,643 babies (6-11 months) and 2,39,698 babies (12-59 months) will be administered with one dose of one lakh unit Vitamin A Plus blue capsule and one dose of two lakh unit of Vitamin A red capsule each respectively,” he said.
Bagerhat Correspondent reports: Under the joint auspices of Public Health Department, Public Health and Family Planning Ministry and National Nutrition Institute brisk preparations are afoot here to make the National Vitamin ‘A’ plus campaign a success in Bagerhat district on January 11, 2020.
In this connection Bagerhat District Public Health Department arranged a workshop on the topic in the auditorium of Civil Surgeon Office, Bagerhat with the local journalists of both print and electronic medias with Dr. Pulak Debnath, Deputy Civil Surgeon (in-charge of the Civil Surgeon) of Bagerhat in the chair on Monday in the morning in order to ventilate the matter widely among the people through the news medias. The key note paper on the topic was presented by Dr. Probir Kumar Bakshi, Medical Officer, Civil Surgeon Office, Bagerhat. He explained, vitamin ‘A’ is not produced automatically in the bodies of the children. So, they should require it from the outside and vitamin A capsule helps them to take it easily. He added, for want of vitamin ‘A’ children may suffer from blindness, night blindness and loss the resistance power to fight against diarrhea and various other infectious and fatal diseases. Not only that but also Vitamin ‘A’ reduces the rate of the mortality of children. So, all concerned should come forward to make the vitamin ‘A’ plus campaign a success. He further disclosed, some 18,263 children of 6 months to 11 months will be given vitamin ‘A’ capsules of blue colour and some 1, 48, 439 children from 11 months to 59 months will be given vitamin ‘A’ plus capsules of red colour from as many as 1,791 inoculation centers in the nine Upazilas and 2 Pourashavas- Bagerhat and Mongla in the whole of Bagerhat district on January 11. And a huge number of volunteers and field workers are ready to make the campaign a success. It may be mentioned here that on June 22, 2019 some 1, 157 children ranging from 6 months to 11 months and some 1, 43, 145 children ranging from 12 months to 59 months were given vitamin ‘A’ capsule of blue colour and ‘A’ capsules of red colour respectively.
Adv. Md. Mozaffor Hossain, President of Bagerhat Press Club while was speaking in the workshop as the chief guest he urged the all concerned to make the vitamin ‘A’ capsule campaign a success for the greater interest of our future generations. The workshop was also addressed among others by Al-haj Abdul Baki Talukdar, General Secretary of Bagerhat Press Club and journalists, Shawkat Ali Babu. Nakib Sirajaul Haq.
Dr. Pulak Debnath, Deputy Civil Surgeon (in-charge of Civil Surgeon). Bagerhat while was giving his presidential speech in the workshop he urged the journalists of both print and electronic medias to help the all concerned to make the vitamin ‘A’ capsule Campaign a success through ventilating the matter into their respective medias.
Narsingdi Correspondent says: To make Vitamin ‘A’ plus campaign on 11 January 2020 successful, Civil Surgeon office of Narsingdi in association with National Nutrition Service organised orientation workshop for local journalists at its office conference room here yesterday afternoon.
Dr Nasi-Al Islam Medical officer, Civil Surgeon office in his power presentation disclosed that each of the 37,147 children aged from 5 months to 11 months will be administered a blue-coloured vitamin A capsule while each of the 3,23173 children aged 12 months to 59 months will be fed a red-coloured Vitamin A capsule on the day.
He also disclosed that a total of 1,814 centers have been set up in the district.
With the chair of Civil Surgeon of Narsingdi, Dr Syed Amirul Islam Samim, various aspects on the vitamin A plus campaign were discussed in the press conference.
Civil Surgeon in his speech said Vitamin A is one of the most important micronutrients for child survival growth and vision. He said the national vitamin ‘A’ plus campaign will be observed across the country to prevent childhood blindness, reducing child mortality and strengthening immunity.
He said the media has a vital role towards making the campaign a total success. Jahangir Alam, Senior Health and Education Officer Civil Surgeon Office addressed in the workshop.
About 40 journalists from print and electronic media took part in the workshop.
Netrakona Correspondent says: National vitamin-A Plus campaign will be observed in the district as elsewhere of the country on January 11.
A total of 3,45,458 children aged between six months to 59 months will be fed vitamin-A plus capsules in 86 unions of 10 upazilas and six wards of two municipalities under the district, civil surgeon of Netrakona Dr. Tajul Islam revealed the information at a press briefing at his office here on Tuesday.
A total of 2,264 health centres will be set up in the district to feed Vitamin A capsules to the children from 6am to 4pm, he added.
Dr Tajul said, “We want to prevent childhood blindness by administering vitamin-A plus capsules. Blindness problem has been reduced significantly in the country through launching vitamin A plus campaign. Less than one percent children now suffer from blindness for vitamin A deficiency.”
Feeding of Vitamin-A capsule not only keep the children safe from night- blindness, it also increases their immune system, keep their eyesight perfect, bring down the child mortality rate and ensure their natural growth
among other benefits, he added.
Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj says: National Vitamin ‘A’ Plus campaign will be held in 13 upazilas, 8 municipalities of Kishoreganj on Saturday
A total of 5 lakh 16 thousand and 4 hundred children of 12-59 months and 6-11 months age group will be feed vitamin A plus capsule in 111 unions, 8 Pourashavas of Kishoreganj.
In the occasion, a press briefing was held at Kishoreganj 250 Bed General Hospital conference room on Tuesday morning.
Civil Surgeon Dr Mujibur Rahman presided over the conference. It was addressed among others by Syed Nazrul Islam Medical College and Hospital Principal Professor Dr. Sajol Kumar Shaha, Kishoreganj General Hospital Deputy Director Dr. Sultana Rajia, Child Specilist Associate Professor Dr. Md. Hohesin, Sadar UH and FPO Dr. Tajrina Tayab, BMA District Secretary Dr. Abdul Wahab Badal and Medical Officer Dr. Atikur Rahman.
Sanak President Saiful Hoque Mollah Dulu, CAB President Alam Sarowar Tito were also present.
Civil Surgeon Dr Mujib said that Vitamin A+ capsule has not side effect and asked the parents not to become afraid and contact the health officials concerned if their babies would show vomiting tendency after taking the capsule.
BSS from Narai adds: National vitamin ‘A’ plus campaign will be held in three upazilas of Narail district on Saturday (11 January).
A total of 91,633 children of 6 months to 5 years age group will be feed vitamin A plus capsule in Sadar, Lohagara and Kalia upazilas of the district.
In the occasion, a press briefing was held at civil surgeon conference room today at 10:30 am.
Civil surgeon Dr. Nupur Kanti Das presided over the meeting while Dr Anindita Ghos, Dr. Shafiq Tamal, Narail Press Club president Enamul Kabir Tuku, former vice-president Sultan Mahmood, health department official Mollah Forkan Ali, district EPI superintendent Haradhan Chandra Majumder among others present on the occasion.
The Civil Surgeon delivered welcome speech narrating about the importance of providing Vitamin A Plus Capsule to every under five baby to prevent various diseases for healthier growth.
Vitamin A Plus Capsule has no side effect and asked the parents not to become afraid and contact the health officials concerned if their babies would show vomiting tendency after taking the capsule. The campaign opened at selected centres at 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and also the bus stands and floating places to bring all children under the programme.
CS in his concluding speech called upon the parents, teachers, public representatives, civil society members and media persons to make the upcoming National Vitamin A Plus Campaign successful.
Dr Anindita laid emphasis on providing Vitamin A Plus Capsule to every under- five baby to increase their disease resistant capacity for further reducing infant mortality rate and preventing night blindness.
Civil surgeon office sources said, Under the programme, the health department adequate measures to provide vitamin-A capsule (blue colour) of six months to 11 months baby to 11,084 children and vitamin-A capsule (red colour) to 80,549 children of one to five years age group. Some 2,540 field level health workers, volunteers and supervisors were engaged at 982 centres in 39 unions and two pouroshavas under the district to make the programme successful.