Over 100 Imam visit Bangabandhu Memorial Museum


Over 100 Imam on Saturday visited Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi Road-32 in the city.
The Imam (Islamic scholars) came to Dhaka from Cox’s Bazar, Noakhali, Feni and Chittagong districts under the sponsorship of Islamic Foundation.
Bangabandhu Memorial Museum, the city residence of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was the silent witness to many national political events and movements including the initiation of the Liberation War and the gruesome assassination of the indomitable independence leader as well.
Bangabandhu’s residence donated to the nation by his two surviving daughters, Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana, was transformed into a museum in early 80s to let people know about the actual history of Bangalee nation.
The Museum is the main venue of the ruling Awami League, its associate and likeminded bodies and other political-social-cultural-professional organisations to pay deep homage to Bangabandhu with their programmes throughout the month of mourning, August.
The nation observes the National Mourning Day on August 15 commemorating the assassination of Bangabandhu and most of his family members on the day.
Hundreds of people from all walks of life throng to the museum every day, particularly in the month of mourning.
Information officer of the museum Narayan Chandra Das disclosed that the team of Imams went round the main building of the museum and different rooms of the members of Bangabandhu’s family where different articles used by them are on display.
They also visited the stair of the building where Bangabandhu’s bullet-
ridden body was detected after the August 15 mayhem of 1975.
Later, the team of Imam joined a view exchange meeting with the curator of
the museum NI Khan. At the meeting, Kazi Sajjad Zahir, Bir Protik, apprised
the visiting team of Imams of the significant aspects of the chequered
political life and long struggle of Bangabandhu for the nation.
Besides, a team of 16 teachers of different departments of Bangladesh
Agriculture University in Mymensingh also visited the museum.
