Outsiders reign DU campus: With govt no control so no remedy

THE Dhaka University (DU) campus, nowadays despite academic activities remaining closed, has become crowded with the presence of outsiders. The proctorial body in charge of security of the campus is not able to chase them out fearing explosion of violence. In such a situation, unpleasant incidents are constantly happening on the campus. Recently, more than 20 unpleasant incidents have taken place on DU campus. Unlike other universities of the country, Dhaka University has no exit and entrance control mechanism as it has no boundary. Instead of making this university a center of higher study and research, the authorities are keener to make the campus a recreation place, cultural podium, and ground to exercise politics.
News media reported that outsiders are involved with most of the incidents: drug trafficking, kidnapping, human trafficking, etc. In the last few months, DU proctorial team was attacked by the outsiders, a florist was abducted from TSC, two madrasa students were trafficked from here to Savar, and three strangers recently tried to enter the home of the university’s vice-chancellor. Members of the proctorial team said they had regularly chased the outsiders every evening, but shortly after that, these people crowded the campus again.
However, the students complained that the university administration could stop the free movement of outsiders. But they do nothing but some dillydallied announcements. At present, the drug business is going on with the connivance of several external and campus officials and employees. DU authorities said, they have taken strong efforts to stop these drug trades but have not been able to do so.
Dhaka University just entered into the centennial of its establishment to enlighten the then Muslim Bengal with higher education. From that, the university continues to fall in quality education and academic discipline. All the public universities have become torture centres for government supported thugs. The university administration as well some teachers slavishly tolerates such criminal activities.
We cannot expect to have any control of the government over the administration. The government relies on police power for clinging on to power. Unless the teachers and administration can show their character or back bones the universities have no future
At the movement women, especially female students, have organised countrywide mass movement demanding not protection from the government which the government had failed for so long, their demand is to save themselves from the government.
