Outlaw leader gunned down in Khulna

Khulna Correspondent :
An alleged regional leader of an outlaw party Purbo Banglar Communist Party was gunned down in front of Darodi Electronics at Daulatpur Anjuman road under Daulatpur police station in Khulna city at around 8.15 pm on Friday.
The deceased was identified as Sheikh Iqbal Sarwar, 46, son of late Sheikh Monsur Ali, resident of Daulat Khan road under Daulatpur police station in the city.
Police and local people said, Iqbal Sarwar was a regional leader of Purbo Banglar Communist Party around 17 years ago and he was an active member of the then ferocious terrorist Khokon alias Tiger Khokon of Daulatpur. There after, leaving the party activities he started trading of Paddy-rice and Bicycle .