Our doctors should mind to have more caring public image

ENRAGED by death of a patient for wrong treatment, relatives of the deceased went on rampage at the coronary care unit (CCU) of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) on Sunday. They have also allegedly attacked on-duty doctors, nurses, law enforcers and other employees of the hospital. Barely 48 hours into the incident and once again treatment at the outpatient department of DMCH remained suspended for about four and a half hours on Tuesday, causing suffering to patients from across the country.
We mark organized chaos becoming rampant in many of our public and also private hospitals. This is not expected in any hospital. Both parties — concerned doctors and also the relatives of many patients should display a sharp sense of moral obligation to maintain order. Not to forget that for their reckless actions many sick patients are being denied emergency health services. Several dozens of patients who went to the emergency unit of the hospital have been reported waiting as the entrance of the emergency department of the hospital temporarily remained shut. Luckily no avoidable death was recorded.
Barely six months ago the doctors of the BMCH went on strike for an indefinite period, last August a number of surgeons were accused for working at private hospitals during regular office hours and earlier another doctor was beaten up inside a private hospital. We have been experiencing disorder and intermittent disruptions in our healthcare sector. This must stop.
Interns have been reported to have locked the entrance of the department and start agitating — demanding punishment for those who assaulted their colleagues over the death of a patient on Sunday and the authorities to ensure their security at workplace.
Some doctors and medical officers also joined the demonstration Tuesday morning after serving at the outpatient department. Several hundred patients who bought tickets and queued at different counters were left baffled as doctors came out of their rooms, locking the doors. Doctors mustn’t forget that this kind of unprofessional cruel acts goes completely against their work ethics. Also four persons were arrested relating to last Sunday’s event, so what was the cause for calling the strike and suspending the outdoor unit?
Our doctors have to decide for themselves the need for a caring public image for their own good and the good of the country. The problem with our ministries is their incompetence and no sense of accountability. All of them feel protected by police power and not people power.