Our country, our politics and advice should be ours

Awami League General Secretary and Minister for Road and Bridges Obaidul Quader left Dhaka yesterday on a three-day visit with a 19-member delegation on invitation of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party leaders. Obaidul Quader said they would hold high-level talks to further strengthen party to party relations.

Indian High Commissioner in Dhaka Harsh Vardhan Shringla said the visit would “enhance the bonding between the level of political parties and level of people to people contact”.

The visit is going to be the first of its kind since the ruling Awami League came to power in 2014 for the second consecutive term with Indian help. And this visit comes before the next general elections; scheduled to be held by the end of this year.

Need to be mentioned that the visit has stirred growing speculation in the political circles in Bangladesh about the timing of the visit and what the delegation will discuss to enhance the people to people relations before the elections.

The people are in the dark what the delegation will talk about without sharing the issues with people back home. Because Awami League interest to cling on power and the aspiration of the nation for a free and fair election is not the same. That is why the timing of the visit is raising question to create misgivings.

Evidently the delegation is visiting India to hold talks on upcoming election, we must say Awami League and the government should open such talks with the people and the opposition political parties within the country first. It is our country and our politics must be ours; advice should also be ours. The people of Bangladesh own the country and will decide its future. We don’t need outside advice that may lead to another one party election.


Obaidul Quader and his powerful delegation comprising party residuum and executive committee members will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP president Amith Shah, party secretary Ram Madhab and Speaker of the Lok Sabha Sumitra Mahajan.

Earlier this week Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in London and skeptics believe the next election should have partially dominated their talks. It may equally dominate talks of the visiting Awami League delegation this time in the Indian capital before elections.

Serious discussion is warranted within the country among various sections of our people but there is total refusal by the government to engage that way. This is very insulting for our people to find a big government delegation is going to India to have consultation with Indian leaders. It is very degrading for any independent nation.

It was obvious but a shame to admit, that India was a strong supporter openly or otherwise for the present unelected government to remain in power. That is the common impression because how an unelected government can continue in power. Where is the source of strength of such a government?

No government of a free nation should feel honourable to call itself elected without election. That is our disgrace, and we do not blame India to find our government so dependent on India. But if the people have any importance to India then India has to worry about the situation in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is not a too small country and under a competent leadership Bangladesh will be a force to reckon with.
