Commentary: Our CEC is not needed to sabotage election in USA: Power hungry Trump is problem

In Bangladesh ignorance is power so it is easier to be shameless. Chief Election Commissioner KM Nurul Huda on Thursday said the USA should learn about the election process from Bangladesh. He made the observation in reference to the delay in timely declaration of election results.
He does not know how big is America and the number of people who cast votes in 51 states. If the CEC was trying to be smart in telling American President Trump jokingly that they should have taken the help of the police to cast and count votes that would be a clever thing.
About the US election the problem is not the election system but a power-drunk President who cannot think of loosing power though he lost. In America, it is political tradition for a President not to eating till the counting of last vote in the last state is over. When unofficially it is clear that the sitting President has lost he concedes defeat. But President Trump is behaving like a leader of a third world country not to give up the pleasures of power.
If it was possible President Trump could have used Bangladeshi way to declare election victory with holding farcical election under farcical Chief Election Commissioner. But he
could not think of managing the election like in Bangladesh through police.
So President Trump, out of frustration is behaving like a mad fellow raising all sorts of unfounded allegations including election fraud in the election process for which even some of his own party men including family members are embarrassed.
The problem in the USA is not the election system but the power-hungry abnormal President who cannot think of loosing power through elections. After election defeat power does not change hands immediately. The elected President Joe Biden takes the office next January. So Trump is still President but he should be cooperating for transfer of power. He is obstructing that process for his inability to gracefully act. He was not President gracefully and will not go gracefully.
Our CEC cravenly destroyed the election system once for all. He was irrelevant for the elections in Bangladesh. He allowed police to do his job. Let him not shame the nation abroad. Let him remain quiet and enjoy being in his position and get all the state benefits. He has no acceptability in Bangladesh. So he must keep quiet about his ability.