Our appeal to Nobel Laureates: Get UN more involved in refugee crisis

THREE Nobel Peace Laureates on Monday clearly stated that the atrocities on the Rohingyas in Myanmar were clear acts of genocide besides demanding that Myanmar should be taken to International Court of Justice for committing crimes against humanity. Very much in tuned with their observations and demand, we also feel the Myanmar military generals coupled with Aung San Suu Kyi should be tried.

They should be taken to the ICC and those who committed genocide in the Rakhine State must be held responsible. Most importantly, it’s time we collectively move forward to remove the culture of impunity in this regard. If the Myanmar military and the country’s complicit politicians think they can kill, slaughter little children, rape innocent women, loot and torch their properties in massive scales – what has happened to the global conscience?

Myanmar has become a beastly brutal country under the brutalities of military rule keeping the country isolated from the world. Now the army’s long years of savagery has been exposed as cleansing of Muslims. These generals have the making of Nazi savagery.

The refugees from Myanmar are living in miseries and seriously vulnerable. Even if we try our best, the government of Bangladesh cannot do enough. We are aware of international aid, but that is not proving enough.


We need all out international support to help to make the lives of the refugees less miserable and offer them effective cooperation to make it possible for them to return to their country with due assurance of safety, only the international community can. For the distressed refugee sympathy cannot be sufficient if it is not backed by international action.

In our view, the best thing would be if the United Nations were more actively in charge of the refugee camps in Bangladesh. It will be easier for the agency to draw the necessary international cooperation.

The refugees cannot bear the suffering and are getting desperate. Our fear is: there may be break out of diseases. It has to be accepted that being uprooted from their homes they are very vulnerable to criminal exploitation.
