Osborne heads to Wall Street for post-Brexit talks

AFP, London :
British finance minister George Osborne was Monday holding talks with Wall Street investors, kicking-off a series of visits to leading international financial centres to build post-Brexit economic ties.
“Vital work will begin today on building stronger economic and trade relationships with the UK’s closest trading partners,” the Treasury said in a statement as Chancellor of the Exchequer Osborne headed to New York to meet investors on Wall Street.
And Osborne will next week lead a trade mission to Singapore and China after Britain last month voted in a referendum to exit the European Union, the Treasury added.
“While Britain’s decision to leave the EU clearly presents economic challenges, we now have to do everything we can to make the UK the most attractive place in the world to do business,” Osborne, who voted for Britain to remain in the EU, said in the statement.
“We will continue to be a beacon for free trade, democracy and security, more open to that world than ever.”
Following the Brexit vote, Osborne is planning to slash corporation tax over fears of an exodus by big business.