Origin Of Bangabandhu’s Strength


Md. Hasan Khan, Ph.D :
Bengalis have a history of thousand years. For many years, many rulers ruled the Bengal. Revolutions happened many time, number of martyrs increased. But freedom never came. Country was never liberated from the foreign regime and Bengalis subject stays depended on the foreign rules. In the course of time, Khokha was born in Tungipara. Khoka became Mujib Vai and Mujib became Bangabandhu. History never called him instead; he became a creator of history. He is the salvation of commoners; he is the Father of Nation and he is the greatest Bengali of all times.
Bangabandhu is the legend of Bengali history. He never became Bangabandhu in one day. He grew great inch by inch. Sheikh Mujib was a protester from his student life. He never compromised any injustice. Rulers tried to stop him and also tried to kill him. Without any reason they put him in jail. Still, he never bows down to anyone. So, what is the source of his fearless acts? There are two main sources of his fearlessness, one is the love for Bengalis and the second one is his confrontation. He loved his country people and the peoples also loved him. World famous reporter David Frost once asked him, “What is your Strength?”. He replied, “I love the people of Bengal.” Then Frost wanted to know, “What is your weakness?” He replied, “I love the people of Bengal.” That means the love for his people was the only source of his strength and weakness. And this weakness is the only reason of the assassination of 15 August.
I want to mention three incidents of his stubbornness. These incidents give some hints of his source of strength. While he was a student of Dhaka University, he joined a fight for the rights of fourth-class workers. In that time, he became rusticated from the university because he was the leader of the movement. Many students with him also rusticated from the university. Authority said that, he can gain his studentship again if he can give a fine of 15 Rupee and a guarantee by family. In that time many students did that to maintain his studentship but Sheikh Mujib never did anything for that he was rusticated from the university.
During the liberation war, Bangabandhu was a prisoner of Pakistani Jail. There was a death warrant in his name. The Pakistani ruler can hang him anytime. Even a grave had been dug in front of his cell. Did he become scared at that time? As he knew the certain death, he never had broken down. By seeing the grave, he said, ‘I already know that you are all going to hang me. I don’t fear death. When the brave children of Bengal learned to accept death happily, then there is no power in the world to stop the freedom of Bangladesh. But I request to all of you, don’t bury me in this grave, send my body to the people of Bengal.’ Bangabandhu believed that, only the people of Bengal can free this country. Millions of people gave their lives and for this Bangabandhu did not hesitate to give his own life for the freedom of his country.
Now, this incident was happed after the liberation war. As the country became liberated from Pakistan, many people came to Bangabandhu with their problems. Bangabandhu understand the situations and take actions. But he never granted any wrong kink. Even, he never granted any wrong kink of his close acquaintances. Renowned journalist ABM Musa knew Bangabandhu very well. They regularly contacted each other. I want to mention an incident of him. He wrote, “By the order of Bangabandhu, I participated parliamentary election of 1973 and got elected. I needed a car to go to my constituency. Jafar Imam, Aka Humayun uncle by relation told me that, there was a jeep at Ordinance Depo which was seized by the army during the ownerless car recovery operation. Went there to meet the ordinance manger Colonel Shawkat (later he became Deputy Speaker of National Parliament). …Shawkat bhai said, ‘It will require a permission from the Minister of Defense cum Prime Minister.’ So, I went to Ganabhaban with an application for granting the jeep. He pulled a pen from his chest pocket and wrote on the application; I never indulgenced any wrong kink and I will never do it in future. I am sorry; I cannot grant your request.” This is Bangabandhu, as they were closed but he did not grant the jeep to ABM Musa. Because, he saw injustice as an injustice.
There are many incidents of Bangabandhu’s these kinds of confrontation. This is because of people’s right. There were compromises of Bangabandhu in account of normal people’s questions. In the beginning of liberation war, he knew that he was going to be arrested in any time, but he never ran away. Because a coward runs away. Bengalis really believed in him. For this a true leader cannot escape rather than die. If he runs away then everyone’s heads will bow down including him. Bangabandhu can compromised with the Pakistani ruler and choose a luxurious life. But he took the life of a prisoner. These are because of his love for the people. And for this he never compromised anything for the rights of peoples.
Daughter of Bangabandhu is our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Like her father she never compromised anything. The love for the people of the country is the source of her confrontation. Bangabandhu’s ideology is another source of her strength. She also led prison life like her father. Many attempts had been taken to kill her. She never stopped as a death warrant was on her head. Even the vicious grenade attack of 21st August upon her could not stop her to move ahead. Bangabandhu’s mission was freedom and golden Bengal. He brought the freedom but he could not make his dreamy country, as he was assassinated along with his whole family. Our leader Sheikh Hasina is doing her best to build the Golden Bengal of Bangabandhu. The country is progressing overall. She is telling every time that, ‘I am establishing the dream of Bangabandhu. If death comes before doing work for the country people, I will accept it.’ Patriotism is the inspiration for all of her works.
We are proud that, we had a leader, Bangabandhu, who did not compromise anything. Now we have a successor, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. We are also proud for the Mujib Brosho which is happening now. There is no delay to establish the dream Bangabandhu, the golden Bangladesh.
Joy Bangla. Joy Bangabandhu. Glory to Sheikh Hasina.

(Hasan Khan, Ph.D; an Awami League leader and Columnist)
