Organisational change: A demand of the day


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Organisational change is a demand of the day, and needed for organizations to survive. Organisations now some days, well understand the importance of the matter, and are serious to prepare themselves not only the current, but also for the future trends to get the level of sustainable success, but along with all of its implications and importance the process of organisational change is also a very complex and challenging. Research shows that 70 per cent of organisational changes fail to get their goals. As leadership has a central role in evolution and cultivating an organisation, the process of organisational change demands a very effective and highly competent leadership that is well capable to perceive the most desirable shape of an organisation and address the issue of organisational change in most appropriate way.
Most of the organisations agree nowadays that effective leadership is one of the most important contributors to the overall organisational performance and change. Intelligent leaders are those who have a store of skills and knowledge gained from experience that allows them to manage effectively and efficiently the tasks of daily life. And profound shifts are impacting our societies, resulting in distress and political tensions domestically and internationally. When looking for root causes, economic globalisation is an easy target. Less attention is paid to the fact that new global value chains have moved over one billion people out of poverty. Yet while global prosperity has increased, so has inequality in the world’s wealthiest nations. Coupled with political polarisation, inequality erodes a country’s social fabric in an economically damaging way: as cohesion and trust diminish, economic performance is likely to follow.
As to developing countries young people are often key actors in powerful social movements that transform the course of human history. Certainly, youth have been deeply important to every progressive social movement like successive waves of feminism, environmentalism and environmental justice, the labour, antiwar, and immigrant rights movements, and more. In each of these cases, young people took part in many ways, including through the appropriation of the “new media” tools of their time, which they used to create, circulate, and amplify movement voices and stories. Youth participation in social change can help us with important insights. Young people can be powerful agents of social change. Many young people have the desire and capacity to transform the world, and are looking for opportunities to do so. In fact, youth have been key actors in nearly every major social movement in modern history. Youth are the building blocks of a nation. It is a fact that the stronger the youth, the more developed the nation is.
Young adults became independent at an early stage in life where they would leave their families after college. Furlong and Carmel mentioned that life has changed in the modern world. Developed countries are transforming into post- modernism. Traditional ways of life are changing to adopt post-modernism. Social change has been experienced in various spheres of social life. The social structures and social order have changed to make the world today unpredictable. Consequently, the young people’s social life is full of risks associated with modernism. Young people irrespective of their social status have to accept social change in order to be successful in life. The social life change has caused changes in the social, political, economic and cultural world.
Moreover, social classes are fainting making life unpredictable for the young people. This is because members of the same social class can choose different standards of living. Consequently, life opportunities cannot be measured using social class. Thus for instance one could fail to get employed because of lack of education and not because of their social class. The education system has changed. The youth are required to be responsible. The efforts they put in school will determine the success of their economic life. Since jobs are awarded on the basis of qualifications, candidates must perform well and continue training in order to sustain themselves. In addition, students are expected to pay for their own training. Young people are held responsible for their work and are supposed to assess their own progress. Opportunities to develop in career are also rare for them. Additionally, the numbers of unemployed qualified youths are continually growing. Most often policy makers have engaged in discussions that assess unemployment among the youth.
Finally, we can say that leadership trend with the changing situation- its effectivity and success must be focused. The leader as a change agent can manage the organisational change successfully. Again, organisational change is a demand of the day, and needed for organisations to survive. Moreover, organisational change is an innovative approach of a leader. So for the sustainable develop for the country, the youth leadership must develop and they need to be utilised for social changes.

(Dr. Forqan is former Deputy Director General, Bangladesh
Ansar & VDP).
