
Naresuan University, Phitsanulok,
ATwo-day international conference was organised by Faculty of Business, Economics and communications, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand from 29th to 30th November,2018, says a press release. In the opening ceremony among others Professor James E. Owers ,Department of Economics, Harvarad University spoke. Prof Dr. Muhammad Mahboob Ali got best paper award on the accounting and finance track on “Alternative model to support creative Entrepreneurship through NGO or community banking in an emerging economy: A case study of BNF-Bangladesh. Professor Ali argued that to maintain sustainable economic growth with employability micro savings should be used for micro investment at rural areas through arranging community banking under separate regulatory bodies.
UGC Officers’ Association
UGC Officers’ Association and UGC Karmachari Union jointly accorded a reception to University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh Chairman Prof Abdul Mannan for getting Honorary Hon. D. Litt. by University of Science &Technology, Meghalaya. UGC organised the reception programme at its auditorium yesterday, says a press release. UGC Chairman Professor Abdul Mannan was present on the occasion as the Chief Guest. UGC Members Professor Dr. Mohammad Yousuf Ali Mollah and Professor Dr. Dil Afroza Begum spoke on the occasion as Special Guests. Dr. Md. Khaled, Secretary of UGC and also President of UGC Officers’ Association presided over the ceremony. Professor Mannan, in his speech, said that the prestigious degree conferred by USTM has honored the UGC and Bangladesh. The honorary D. Litt by USTM is recognition of Bangladesh’s tertiary education too, he said. Divisional heads and officials of UGC were present on the occasion. The USTM in a Special Convocation conferred Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters, Honoris Causa (Hon. D. Litt) on UGC Chairman for his outstanding contributions to higher education in Bangladesh on 24 October 2018.
