
Sramik Karmachari Peshajibi Muktijoddha Samannay Parishad
A discussion on the upcoming general elections organised by Sramik Karmachari Peshajibi Muktijoddha Samannay Parishad was held in BMA auditorium in the city on Monday. Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan was present as the chief guest. While speaking Shajahan said there is no alternative to bring pro-liberation forces in power again. “We have to bring pro-liberation forces in power and that is why we have to work jointly. We have seen remarkable development in the country in past 10 years as the pro-liberation forces were in power. We have to maintain the continuation of the development,” he added. The function was also addressed, among others, by valiant freedom fighters Major General (retd) Helal Morshed Khan, Kabir Ahmed Khan, Ismat Qadir Gama, Osman Ali, ABM Sultan Ahmed and cultural activist Rokeya Prachi. The speakers called upon all pro-liberation forces to forge greater movement against anti-liberation forces in the upcoming eleventh parliamentary elections.
