
City Desk
Daffodil International University

The orientation programme for the newly joined faculty members of Fall Semester 2017 of Daffodil International University (DIU) was held at Banquet Hall of DIU yesterday. Prof Dr. Yousuf M. Islam, VC, Daffodil International University was present in the orientation program as the chief guest. The function was addressed by Prof Rafiqul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, Prof Dr. Ahmed Islmail Mostafa, Dean, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, and Prof A. M.M. Hamidur Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Prof Dr. Golam Maowla Choudhury, Controller of Examinations, Preof Dr. Engr. A K M Fazlul Hoque, Registrar, Prof Dr. Syed Akter Hossain, Acting Dean, Faculty of Science and Information Technology of Daffodil International University. The orientation program was conducted by Prof Dr. Farid A Sobhani, Dean, Human Resources Development Institute(HRDI). A total of 65 full time faculty members joined in different faculties of the university in this Summer Semester 2017. While addressing Prof Dr. Yousuf M. Islam, VC of DIU welcomed the newly joined faculty members and urged to make the best use of the facilities and resources provided by the university and build the students to fit for face the challenges of the 21st century. He also mentioned some objectives like introducing key personnel of DIU, its facilities, operation, activities, ICT tools for instructions and other activities, DIU culture and lifestyle, professional development, Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics and so on.
Jatiya Sangbadik Sangstha (JSS)
Muhammad Altaf Hussain, President of Jatiya Sangbadik Sangstha (JSS) in a statement to the press has condemned the current violence in Myanmar where thousands of Rohingya Muslims have been killed and around 120,000 have been displaced. Regretting the scale of the recent atrocities, he said, “Such barbarism is unacceptable and has no place in the 21st century international order. The international community, headed by the UN, must come together to bring a stop to this brutality.” Altaf Hussain also expressed his dismay over the silence of Myanmar’s leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi. “The world rallied behind Aung San Suu Kyi throughout her pro-democracy activism struggle. How can any leader who fought for democracy and human rights stay quiet when minorities are beheaded and burnt in her country under her leadership?” asked the JSS President. He criticized the slow response of the international community, saying, “The numbers and the response are alarming. The silence of the powerful forces over the Rohingya genocide despite the persecution of thousands is shameful. People are faced with death whether they stay or leave. Stay and you risk being burnt alive or beheaded, leave in overloaded refugee boats and you risk drowning. It is the international community’s responsibility to give them the right to a secure life at the very least.” According to reports, 250,000 Rohingya Muslims have no access to food, as all aid supplies have been suspended and around 20,000 impoverished Rohingya Muslims are still stranded in no man’s land between Bangladesh and Myanmar with numbers predicted to escalate in the coming days. “World leaders must unite and immediately intervene to stop the genocide of the Rohingya community. It is high time Aun San Suu Kyi condemns and acts against this escalating crisis. Myanmar is home for Rohingyas, they need to be afforded the same rights and protection as any other citizen of Myanmar,” Altaf concluded.
Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon
The supreme leader of Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon Maulana Shah Ataullah Ibne Hafezzi Huzur has strongly protested and condemned the unabated wholesale massacre of Rohingya Muslims by the Myanmar Government yesterday. In a statement, he asserted that the relentless, barbaric and merciless massacre of Rohingya Community, including women and children, by Myanmar Armed Forces outstripped all previous barbaric atrocities committed and recorded in the human history. He emphasized that Rohingya Muslims are the legitimate citizens of Myanmar by birth and ownership of landed properties in successive generations. The safety and security of their lives and properties including the habitats are their absolute legitimate rights guaranteed by all civilized international laws, rules and nuances as enshrined in the International Human Rights Charter. The Myanmar Government is out-rightly flouting all national and international laws and human rights conventions by committing unremitting massacre of Rohingya Muslims and deporting them en masse from their homeland. Myanmar must stop this genocide forthwith. Otherwise, the international community should wage united war against Myanmar. He deplored, we have to constantly see the terrible scene of numerous dead bodies of innocent men, women and children are floating in the river. No conscientious human being can remain silent in such dreadful circumstances. He urged Muslim Leaders, United Nations, OIC, NAM, ASEAN, including members of all International Community to come forward with unity to save the helpless and beleaguered Rohingyas from this unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.
