
University Grants Commission
City Desk
A day-long workshop on ‘Curriculum Format’ was held yesterday at UGC Auditorium. UGC in association with Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) organized the workshop. The objectives of the workshop are to formulate a time-befitting and standard curriculum for enhancement of the country’s higher education. Prof Abdul Mannan, Chairman, UGC graced the function as the Chief Guest. Prof Dr. Mohammad Yousuf Ali Mollah, Member, UGC presided over function. Professor Dr. Dil Afroza Begum, Member, UGC was present on the occasion. Dr. Md. Khaled, Secretary, UGC delivered the address of welcome on the occasion. Renowned curriculum expert Prof Dr. Md. Siddiqur Rahman, former Director of IER, Dhaka University and Prof Dr. Md. Mozahar Ali, Director, GTI, Bangladesh Agricultural University were present as Resource Persons at the workshop. Prof Abdul Mannan, in his speech said that the arena of higher education is getting changed with the passage of time. A time-befitting and standard curriculum is highly needed to survive in this competitive world. He stressed the need for incorporating contents on socio-economic demands, national development and facing the challenges of globalization in the curriculum. UGC Chairman further said that a huge number of the country’s population is youth force. These young populations need to be equipped with the updated knowledge and skills. Considering the matter, UGC in association with HEQEP has taken the initiative for formulating a time-befitting and standard curriculum, he added. Prof Yousuf Ali Mollah, in his presidential speech said that curriculum format is just a guideline. It should be designed on the basis of the country’s socio-economic condition and needs.
Pharma Science Club
The Pharma Science Club (PSC), Department of Pharmacy, University of Asia Pacific (UAP) organised the Pharma Fiesta 2017 at UAP Plaza yesterday. A total of 34 participants from 08 universities participated in the contest in two segments of Pharma Olympiad and Poster Exhibition. In Pharam Olympiad, Jahangirnagar University, North South University and Southeast University have won first three positions while Dhaka University, North South University and UAP secured Champions, 1st and 2nd runner up positions respectively. Prof Dr. Mohiuddin Ahmed Bhuiyan, head of the department distributed prizes among the winners. The fiesta also included stall exhibition, brand name competition, health check up and gaming and drug puzzle. Earlier, Prof Dr. Jamilur Reza Choudhury, Vice Chancellor, UAP addressed program as the Chief Guest. In the event, tow pharmaceutical companies: Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and Sanofi Bangladesh Ltd took part in the event .
