City Desk :
Bangladesh Livestock Society

A discussion titled ‘Egg: The Good Food’ organised jointly by Bangladesh Livestock Society (BLS) and Bangladesh Poultry Industry Coordination Committee (BPICC) was held in the auditorium of Rajshahi College, Rajshahi yesterday in observance of World Egg Day-2016. Highlighting the salient features of egg and its nutrition values speakers said egg is a balanced food to all irrespective of age, sex and season. They clarified that regular egg intake is very much important for maintaining sound health. Consumption of egg enhances power and capacity of all major organs of human body and without it he or she faces problem of nutrition deficiency. A rally was also brought out from the city’s Alupatty crossing on the occasion. The function was addressed, among others, by Dr Hemayetul Islam, General Secretary of BLS, Vice-Chancellor of Rajshahi University (RU) Prof Md Mizanuddin, senior-most teacher of Department of Zoology of RU Prof Dr Khalequzzaman, Vice-Principal of Rajshahi College Prof Al Faruque Chowdhury, Dean of Agriculture Faculty of RU Prof. Dr. Md. Saiful Islam and Rajshahi District Livestock Officer Md Nizamuddin. President of BLS Prof Dr Jalal Uddin Sarder presided over the event.


Agarokhan Development Foundation

A day-long free health camp organised by Agarokhan Development Foundation was held at Bakri Secondary School premises in Narail district on Wednesday marking the 5th founding anniversary of the foundation. Over 500 patients were given free treatment by senior doctors and specialists. An awareness meeting on different diseases was also held on the occasion. A team of 10 doctors and specialists gave free prescription for 500 patients during the programme. Local elite, political leaders, official of the foundation and renowned social workers were present on the occasion.
