City Desk :
Daffodil Int’l University
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said, some private universities are trying their best to ensure and improve the quality education where a large number of foreign students are also come to study in those universities and Daffodil International University is one of them. Education Minister said this while a delegation of Daffodil International University (DIU), led by its Board of Trustees Chairman M Sabur Khan met him at his office yesterday.. Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid appreciated the university’s efforts to offer quality education in a large green permanent campus with proper facilities for students. He expressed his hope that world class facilities of the university would be able to draw the attention of more foreign students and produce quality and skilled manpower expanding high-tech quality education. During the meeting, the delegation apprised the Education Minister about the facilities like transport, sports, 6000 seat multipurpose convention center, 100% comprehensive hostel facilities for both male and female students at DIU Permanent Campus situated at Ashulia on 100 acres of land and free from the hustle and bustle of the city. The delegation apprised the Education Minister that around 250 foreign students are studying at Daffodil International University. The delegation also apprised about the preparation of upcoming 6th convocation of the university. The other members of the delegation were Prof Dr. Yousuf M. Islam, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. S.M. Mahbub -Ul- Haque Majumder (Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor), Mr. Hamidul Haque Khan, Treasurer, Mr. Mohamed Emran Hossain, Director (Administration) and Mr. Anowar Habib Kazal, Senior Assistant Director (Public Relations) of Daffodil International University (DIU).
University Grants Commission
UGC Chairman Professor Abdul Mannan left Dhaka for India yesterday to receive ‘MTC Global Rooshikumar Pandya Life Time Achievement Award-2016’. MTC-Global, India accorded this award to Professor Abdul Mannan for his outstanding contribution to tertiary level education. This award will be given at a ceremony in Bengalore, India on 16 September 2016. Besides, he will present a key-note paper on higher education as the Chief Guest at the inaugural ceremony of the international MCT Global’s Annual Convention. He is expected to return the country on 18 September 2016, says a press release.