
City Desk :
Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote
A discussion on first death anniversary of former President of the republic Zillur Rahman organized by Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote (BSJ) was held on Thursday at the seminar hall of the central Public Library at Shahbag in the city.
Awami League Presidium member and Post and Telecommunications Minister Abdul Latif Siddiqui was present as the chief guest. While speaking Latif said late President Zillur Rahman was an unparallel personality.”He (Zillur Rahman) fulfilled the demand of the time following the 1/11 political changeover of 2007. He could read people’s mind and the society as well,” he said adding that the nation badly needed a politician of his stature at its crucial juncture.
BSJ General Secretary Arun Sarker Rana chaired the discussion, also addressed, among others, by Information and Research Affairs secretary of AL Advocate Afzal Hossain, Awami Swechchasebak League President Advocate Mollah Md Abu Kowser, Dhaka City AL Organising Secretary Shahe Alam Murad, AL Assistant Secretaries Barrister Zakir Ahmed and Shahjahan Alam Saju and a vocalist of Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendro Monoranjan Ghoshal. Paying glowing tributes to Zillur Rahman, the Minister said, “Zillur Rahman played the role of boatman for our party, who could sail the boat to the shore successfully. He was a respected personality to everybody.

Samajik Sahayata Udyog
Samajik Sahayata Udyog’, a social organization, organized a function at Teachers-Students Centre (TSC) on Dhaka University campus recently on the occasion of awarding the 1971 war heroines (Birongana) and distributing allowances among them.
Information Minister Hasanul Haque Inu was present as the chief guest. While speaking Inu said that the court verdicts against war criminals must be executed in the country for the sake of establishing the rule of law.
The minister paid rich tributes to the 1971 war heroines and said that it was a political failure as we could not show proper honour to them so far although they have made huge sacrifice to liberate the country from the Pakistani occupation forces in 1971.
“The war heroines helped build our future at the cost of their future,” he said and thanked the organizers to come forward for the welfare of all war heroines across the country. Chaired by the convenor of the organization Prof. Abu Mohammad Delwar Hossain, DU Pro-VC Prof. Nasrin Ahmed, coordinator of the organization ATM Jayed Hossain, war heroine Kamala Khatun, Payrobi Nesa addressed the function.
Later, the minister distributed allowances and crests among the 15 war heroines of Mymensingh district.
