
Sammilito Nagorik Samaj
A view-exchange meeting titled ‘Terrorism, militancy and derailed youths: Prevention and resistance’ organised by Sammilito Nagorik Samaj (SNS) was held on Saturday at the Jatiya Press Club. In the meeting the speakers called upon all to forge national unity of all political and social forces believing in the spirit of the liberation war to resist militancy and communalism.There should be an effective coordination between the political and social forces inspired with the spirit of liberation war to prevent militancy, they added. There is no room for fanaticism and militancy on this soil of Bangladesh and all of us should contribute from their respective positions to wipe out militancy, they further said.The event was addressed , among others, by Vice-President of the organisation Khondoker Ibrahim Khaled, Jatiya Press Club President M Shafiqur Rahman, Vice-Chancellor of Begum Rokeya University Prof AKM Nurunnabi, writer Selina Hossain, Bangladesh Muktijoddah Central Command Council Chairman Major General (Retd) Helal Morshed Khan and Security analyst Major General (Retd) Abdur Rashid .General Secretary of SNS M Hamid moderated the function.
