
Swadhinata Chikitshak Parishad
City Desk
A total of 1,643 patients received free health services and medicines from a health camp run by Swadhinata Chikitshak Parishad at Tungipara on Monday on the occasion of the 102nd birth anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The organisation set up the camp at Gimadanga Government Primary School in Tungipara, the birthplace of Bangabandhu, to give people free medical services. Secretary General of the parishad Professor Dr MA Aziz is looking after the activities of the camp. “We have arranged the camp on the occasion of Bangabandhu’s birth anniversary. We are distributing sufficient medicines along with free medical advices of various diseases in Tungipara,” he said. Awami League Presidium Member Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim, MP, inaugurated the health camp on March 19 and the parishad will operate the camp till March 25. People can take services at the camp from 9am to 3pm every day. The country’s best physicians are providing health services, such as cardiology, maternity, ear, nose and throat.
