
City Desk :
Manusher Jonno Foundation
A discussion on ‘Women Lawyers’ Role in Increasing the Standard of Government Legal Services in the Supreme Court’ organised jointly by Manusher Jonno Foundation and Supreme Court Legal Aid Committee was held in the city marking the International Women’s Day. Chief Justice Hasan Foez Siddique was present as the chief guest in the programme held on the ninth instant. While speaking Hasan Foez said Bangladesh constitution has ensured all the rights of women. “Our women have active participation in every sector of national development. Women had to face inequality in the past and they have now made strong base for themselves by overcoming all the odds,” he said. The Chief Justice recalled all the contributions of the country’s women, especially during the War of Liberation. Appellate Division Judge M Enayetur Rahim and Attorney General AM Amin Uddin addressed the discussion as special guests. Supreme Court Registrar General Bazlur Rahman, officials of the apex court, Supreme Court Legal Aid Committee and 33 women lawyers of legal aid panel took part in the discussion, among others. Legal Aid Committee Chairman Justice Jahangir Hossain presides over the event.
