
City Desk:
Sammilito Ulama Samaj
Leaders of Sammilito Ulama Samaj an organisation of alems and ulamas, demanded exemplary punishment for those involved in hiring lobbyists against the country. They made the demand at a meeting titled, ‘Protest of Sammilito Ulama Samaj against the BNP-Jamaat’s anti-state activities and conspiracies by hiring lobbyist firm’, organised recently by the Ulama Samaj at Dhaka Reporters Unity. Chaired by Hafez Maulana Sulaiman, the meeting was addressed, among others, by Islamic scholar and writer Hafez Maulana Md Saiful Islam, media personality Maulana Abdul Momin Siraji, Maulana Rabiul Alam Siddiqui, Pir of Mirpur Fakirbari Darbar Sharif Fakir Muslim Uddin Ahmed Noori and Mufti Md Saifur Rahman. Mufti Alamgir Hossain moderated the meeting. Speaking as the chief guest, Maulana Saiful Islam said those who use Islam, the religion of peace, as a tool of politics to assume power are the enemies of the country, Islam and the alems-ulamas. Mentioning that BNP-Jamaat has hired lobbyists abroad to come to power, he said those who siphoned off millions of Taka and hired lobbyists abroad to take a stand against the interests of the country are the enemies of the country and the nation as well. Saiful said all should remain alert against them and inform the country’s people of them. Maulana Momin Siraji said lobbyists can be appointed for the national interest but one cannot hire lobbyists against the interests of the country.
