
City Desk :
Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center

The virtual youth leadership summit hosted by Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center and supported by Manusher Jonno Foundation and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) of the UK Government held recently brought together over 300 youth competitively selected from all over Bangladesh. Foreign Minister Dr. AK Abdul Momen attended the opening ceremony of the summit as the chief guest. Dr. Gowher Rizvi, International Affairs Adviser to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and International Advisory Board Member of the organisation chaired the opening ceremony. Special guests were Swedish Ambassador to Bangladesh Alexandra Berg von Linde, Acting Mission Director and Resident Legal Officer, USAID/Bangladesh Milan Pavlovic, and Director General of NGO Affairs Bureau K.M.Tariqul Islam. The summit consist of plenaries and workshops featuring industry experts and policymakers. This year, 302 delegates crafted solutions together to achieve inclusivity for all youth in terms of opportunities to work, exercising equal rights, access to better health, livelihood, education, and skills development within society.
