
Awami Matsyajibi League
Central Executive Committee of Bangladesh Awami Matsyajibi League organized a discussion on the occasion of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s release from prison held recently at Bangabandhu Avenue in the city. On June 11 in 2008, Sheikh Hasina was released from the special sub-jail set up on the premises of the Jatiya Sangsad (Parliament) Building after remaining captive there for nearly 11 months. President of Bangladesh Awami Matsyajibi League Bir Muktijoddha Sayidur Rahman presided over the function. Special Assistant to the Prime Minister and Office Secretary of Bangladesh Awami League Barrister Biplob Barua was the chief guest. General Secretary of Bangladesh Awami Matsyajibi League Lion Sheikh Azgar Naskar, Executive President of Bangladesh Awami Matsyajibi League Central Executive Committee M Saiful Alam Manik, Vice President Mohammad Alam, Mohammad Yunus, Dr Mumtaz Khanam, Nasir Uddin Manik, Sajjadul Haque Liku Sikder, Joint-General Secretary M Rafiqul Islam Kha, Firoz Ahmed Talukder, Publicity and Publication Secretary M Shafiul Alam Shafiq, Office Secretary M H Enamul Haque Raju, Information and Research Secretary Sayed Majumder, Liberation War Affairs Secretary Sajedur Rahman Khan Kamal, Youth and Sports Secretary Sukumar Barman, Women’s Affairs Secretary Khadija Parveen, Organizing Secretary SM Mamun Siddiqui, Nazmul Haque, Rejuan Ali Khan Arnik, Habibur Rahman also spoke, among others.

The discussion meeting was followed by a special munajat seeking sound health and long life of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
