
OxfamA ‘Farmers’ Conference’ organized by Oxfam, a non-government organisation was held at BIAM Auditorium in the city. Deputy Speaker of the Jatiya Sangsad M Fazle Rabbi Miah was present as the chief guest. While speaking Fazle said that the country’s economic advancement could not be possible without changing the fate of marginal farmers. “Changing the fate of marginal framer is a must for building the country and the nation,” he said this while inaugurating ‘Farmers’ Conference’. Only the industrial development, the Deputy Speaker said, can not ensure the country’s overall progress as agriculture is the main driving force of the national economy. About protection of farmers’ interest, he said, “We should ensure technological assistance to farmers, soft loan, marginal farmers’ access to agricultural land, fair price of their produces and wage disparity to this end”. The Deputy Speaker said Bangladesh’s economic progress did not stop even during the world economic meltdown. The country has already attained self-sufficiency in food production which was possible due to the efforts of marginal farmers and the government assistance to the farmers. Farmers’ representatives Afroja Begum, Abul Hossain and Bichitra Rani Roy spoke on the occasion. Oxfam Country Director Arie Schurmans presided over the programme.
