
Bangabandhu Parishad
Central leaders of Bangabandhu Parishad exchanged views on current politics with its Biman unit leaders at its central office in the city’s Kalabagan on Friday. Awami League Advisory Council Member and General Secretary of the parishad Dr SA Malek was present as the chief guest. While speaking Malek said that the BNP-Jamaat combine has chosen the path of subversive acts to foil the war crimes trial and tarnish Bangladesh’s image abroad. The senior AL leader called upon the people to extend cooperation to the government for the sake of development and welfare of the country and the masses.
Publicity Secretary of the organisation Matiur Rahman Laltu, Founder President of Biman unit of Bangabandhu Parishad Kabir Haider, General Secretary Sohrab Hossain and Vice-President Khan Mozammel Haque attended the programme, among others.
