
Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote
A discussion on 37th founding anniversary of Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote (BSJ) was held on Friday at Chandpur District Shilpakala Academy. Awami League Joint General Secretary Dr Dipu Moni was present as the chief guest. While addressing Dipu Moni urged the new generation to learn the ideology of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. She said the soldiers of Bangabandhu’s ideology formed Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote under a tough situation. The discussion was addressed,among others, by General Secretary of the organisation Arun Sarkar Rana, BSJ central committee Vice-President and noted actor ATM Shamsuzzaman and Chandpur municipality Mayor Nasir Uddin Ahmed.
