
City Desk :
Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote
A discussion on ‘Khaleda Zia’s vindictive politics against country and its people: Role of the government’ organised by Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote was held at Biruttam Khwaza Nizamuddin auditorium of Dhaka Reporters Unity on Saturday at 10:30 am. Food Minister Advocate Quamrul Islam, MP was present as the chief guest with Vice-President of the jote Dr Enamul Haque in the chair. While addressing Quamrul said BNP will not get any opportunity to create violence in the country in the name of movement like Hefazat. No dialogue will be held with BNP, he added. The discussion was addressed, among others, by veteran Awami League leader and Freedom Fighter Mobarak Ali Sikdar.
 former President of Shikshak Samity Dr Akhtaruzzaman, General Secretary of Peshajibi Samonnoy Parishad Dr Kamrul Hasan, General Secretary of the jote Arun Sarker Rana and Organising Secretary of Dhaka Mahanagar Awami League Shahe Alam Murad.
