Optimum use of cultivable land, technology can ensure food security

BSS, Rangpur :
Optimum use of cultivable land adopting the latest technologies, newer cropping patterns and mechanisation of agriculture can keep crop production increasing to ensure food security despite climate change, said experts.
The issue of food security has become the most important issue now in every country as the adverse impacts of climate change, being caused by global warming, has been posing severe threat to the agriculture, among many other sectors.
According to the experts, there is no alternative to increasing production of food grains through innovating stress tolerant crops varieties in ensuring food security along with social peace, stability and harmony through coping with climate change impacts.
Executive Director of North Bengal Institute of Development Studies Dr Syed Samsuzzaman said adverse climate change impacts have already affected agriculture, irrigation, navigation, ecology, bio-diversity, environment and other sectors.
The situation has been degrading faster due to global warming following emission of the Green House Gases especially affecting the agriculture sector and crop production threatening the global food security in the long run, he added.
Associate Director- Agriculture of BRAC International (South Asia and Africa) Dr MA Mazid said the farmers should be educated to cope with droughts, floods and other adverse situations those are affecting the agriculture sector hampering food production.
He suggested for adoption of the latest technologies and mechanisation of agriculture to increase crop yield at reduced costs, save water, facilitate crop intensification, quality seed and remunerative markets for the produce despite climate change.
Environmentalist and Consultant of IRRI in Bangladesh Dr MG Neogi stressed for acquainting the farmers with modern agriculture, providing them necessary facilities, quality seed and inputs to increase food production despite climate change.
He called for delivering conservation agriculture based technologies with adoption of innovative crop rotation in which crops are planted in minimum, no-till or reduced tillage with some crop residue retention on soil surfaces to reduce unproductive losses of water.
He suggested for expansion of short duration rice farming, cropping patterns like rice-wheat-mungbean/jute, rice- potato- relay/maize, rice-vegetables-wheat and rice- sugarcane with intercropping of garlic, onion/vegetables to increase crop output.
Horticulture Specialist of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Khandker Md Mesbahul Islam stressed for maximum use of cultivable land adopting vegetables-based cropping pattern to increase crop output enabling farmers getting maximum profits.
He said a farmer can earn a net profit of up to Taka one lakh on an average from only 33 decimals of land through adopting proper cropping pattern, inputs and technologies to produce four crops from the same land annually.
He said the northern region could play a vital role in producing maximum quantity of vegetables to meet its deficit in the country and export the same abroad to earn huge amount of foreign exchange in near future.
Agriculture and Environment Coordinator of RDRS Bangladesh Mamunur Rashid called for accelerating research to innovate more flood, saline and drought-tolerant rice and other crops to keep food production increasing amid changing climate.