Optimal breastfeeding to reduce infant mortalities emphasised


City Desk :
Speakers at a post-rally discussion have called for creating adequate social awareness to inspire the mothers as well as common people for ensuring optimal breastfeeding that substantially reduces infant mortality rate.
Chilmari upazila administration, Upazila Health Complex (UHC), SKS Foundation and Souhardo-II Programme of CARE Bangladesh organised the discussion at UHC in Chilmari upazila of Kurigram on Wednesday in observance of the World Breastfeeding Week- 2014.
The USAID, Government of Bangladesh and Institute of Public Health and Nutrition in cooperation with UNICEF extended cooperation in observing the week through various programmes with the theme of ‘Breastfeeding: A Winning Goal for Life.’
Earlier, a colourful rally, participated by upazila level government and NGO officials and employees, health workers, supervisors, nurses, mothers, teachers, students, civil society members, public representatives and elite, paraded the local streets.
With Chilmari Upazila Family Planning Officer Shahidul Islam in the chair, Medical Officer of Chilmari Upazila Health Complex Dr Mohammad Lutfar Rahman attended the discussion as the chief guest.
Editor and Publisher of the Weekly Juger Khabar being published from Chilmari SM Nurul Amin Sarker and Team Manager of Souhardo-II Programme of CARE Bangladesh Nayan Moni Sarker addressed as the special guests.
The speakers said Bangladesh has achieved tremendous success in increasing exclusive breastfeeding rate among children below six months, to up to 64 percent by 2011 from only 43 per cent in 2007 and the rate has been rising sustainably.
The breast milk has extraordinary advantages and the newborns exclusively need first breast milk within an hour as it contains nutritious colostrums and antibodies those make them stronger enhancing immune systems and disease resistance capacities, they said.
They said breast milk is the best food for the newborn babies and stressed for timely initiation of breastfeeding after one hour of birth, exclusive breastfeeding for six months and its continuation for two years along with adequate complementary foods.
The chief guest called for creating social awareness on breastfeeding as many mothers still do not know importance of first breast milk depriving the newborn babies of the first breast milk, which renders children more prone to illness and weakens immune system.
There is no alternative to optimal breastfeeding as the newborns easily digest it, which ensures proper mental, physical development and optimum structure with growth of brain reducing the scope for illness of the babies, he added.
