OPINION: Opposition’s Accountability

In The Perspective Of Bangladesh


Md. Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan :
Carrying out the real politics is hard enough for politicians cordially wishing to do good to people at the grassroots level. Oftentimes, most politically conscious people tend to take themselves away from the awkward and odd situation existing in the field of politics. It is indeed true that very common people expect educated and dedicated leaders in the national level for ensuring their safety and security. In fact, they would like to have their leaders do something better for their own good. Very common and deprived people hope to have the shelter and want to ensure their basic rights. They feel like living peacefully without any hurdles and don’t want to get stuck in any awkward and clumsy situation. They are willing to have fundamental rights of the Constitution belonging to them. In every election, they cast votes for the member of the Parliament who will speak out in the house without hesitation for their betterment. Existence of opposition both as alternative government and as critic of the party in power is a significant feature of the democratic system. Opposition assumes an important role in Parliamentary democracy along with its formal functions inside the legislature to constantly monitor the treasury. The people want the election to bring a strong opposition in the parliament in which parliamentarians would play an effective role in performing opposition’s parliamentary activities and its mode of operation outside the legislature.
Unfortunately expectations they really deserve are not fully achieved. In this regard, opposition can play a greater role so that the level of confidence among citizens might not dwindle. The responsibility of the opposition party is greater than before. They need to prove their accountability in and out of the house. They must call out against extortion, bribery, corruption, tender manipulation under the guidance of the party chairman GM Quader. Their responsibility is really enormous. JP in opposition ought to renew hope for the promised good governance.
Our demand as a nation is to have the better service necessary in our every-day life. Our ultimate goal is to live in peace. We don’t want any political instability. Our greater intention is to have the very stable situation in our country. We all always dream of building a beautiful Bangladesh- a Bangladesh which would arouse pride among our present and future generation. We don’t want a Bangladesh where people would bow down to injustices and unfairness. We also want a very perfect opposition party and the leader of the opposition that can play really a vital role in implementing the terms and the conditions given by the ruling party to the nation at the time of election.
When it comes to the opposition party, JP Chairman Ghulam Muhammed Quader brother of late HM Ershad the most successful former president is really on the right track specially in terms of leading his party. He is obviously capable enough of bringing up a dynamic leadership as well as a new dimension in the national politics. His sincerity and honesty is his own image well known to people all over the country. He has become popular as a result of his versatility and extroverted personality. Unlike others, JP ought to become a role model by playing an effective role against any wrong doing or mismanagement committed by the ruling party. Opposition leader is supposed to take part in the house and make a greater contribution to the nation. As far as the party men are concerned, GM Quader as the Chairman of the party is quite capable of leading the opposition party. And party men have put trust in him.
He does not believe in person-centered politics in the party. Internal conflicts might be in any national political party. These conflicts and misunderstandings might be removed and solved through the proper dialogue. Challenges party men are now facing frequently will be removed with the interference of the party leader GM Quader.
All hurdles existing in the party will be no more and all differences will be settled. Party Chairman believes settling all their differences among themselves, party men carry out their politics in harmony.
JP Chairman has just made a bold and significant decision to reorganize the party to give its proper shape through the upcoming national council. Chairman GM Quader might reform the disciplined and organized structure. The upcoming national council session is much closer to the party men. They are really busy arranging the council in December this year. JP Chairman believes it is the party of the most successful former president HM Ershad who elected five consecutive times in the history of Bangladesh while in jail. It is the party of Polli Bondhu that should be on the right track. He believes party will remain united. Competition might naturally exist in any political party and it is very positive in making a perfect leader. His prime goal is to serve the nation and implement the right of the Constitution. His extroverted attitudes towards people are very clear and positive to encourage leaders countrywide.
We are fully optimistic that the new leadership of JP will play a pivotal role in advancing our socio-economic condition. Side by side all stakeholders- policy makers, all service holders, business leaders and academics ought to contribute more in this regard.
(Md. Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan, columnist and a former external member, English Language and Literature, Sylhet Agricultural University)
